Round 10 is the most important round of cricket for the St.Bernards OCCC in many years, for the first XI a win will all but secure a spot in Senior Division for next season, for the 2nd XI & 4th wins on the road will put them in the top 4, while the 3rd XI will also need a win if they want to compete in March.
With the First XI playing at home, it would be great to see the clubs supporters and ex-players get down to support the guys in their battle to stay in senior division.
1st XI V McKinnon, Meet at 11:45 - Osborne(c), Cave, Mills, Serrano, McIntyre, P.O'Connell, Linton, Kassis, L Davis, McMahon, Thom
2nd XI @ McKinnon, Meet at St.Bernards 10:45 - K.O'Connell (c), Jordan, Cooper, Chrystie, Raffle, Garth, Davey, Dunnel, Turner, Bergin, Johansen
3rd XI V Seddon, Meet at 12:30 - B.Davey(C), Cowan, Clure, Jaggard, Hefter, Sullivan, Wade, Browne, Dunnel, Rodgers, Bourke
4th XI @ St.Francis, Meet at 12:30 - J.Jordan(c), Rule, Jones, Comerford, Maloney, Cook, Castles, Conlan, M.Cooper, M.Webster, DiPaolo
Home sides - don't forget afternoon tea.
Good Luck to all sides, especially the First XI!
Go Dogs!