Hi. My name is Bernard. You may not have seen me before but I can assure you that I’ve seen you. I live in the Snakepit. But, I like to keep a low profile.
Skulking around in the creek or hiding behind a tree up on the hill. Sometimes when it rains I take refuge in Tige’s office up in the school. Either way, I’m always taking in the events of St Bernards OCCC. I watch from behind the nets at training, eavesdrop on post game discussions and occasionally sneak into the opposition changerooms to relieve myself on their kit bags. I’m a proud and passionate Snowdog. My veins pump with blue and gold blood.

▪ Julian Assange look-a-like Jordan Mills is becoming a handy opening batsman.
▪ Thomas Christie needs to work on his driving. Car driving that is. Admittedly it was wet but Snowdogs are expected to perform in all conditions.
▪ Gary McIntyre is living proof that these days people are getting married later in life.
▪ Young Harry Jordan could become a star batsman for the club in 2026.
▪ Tristan Kassis is still having nightmares after being bounced out by Brendan Davey in the nets a month ago.
▪ G-Tram is still bald.
This week shapes as a very important one for the club. It presents a big opportunity to grab a win before Christmas and then keep the “role” going in 2012.