After a long and sometimes frustrating pre-season with poor weather and lack of numbers, the sun is finally shining and we are ready to hit the ground running this weekend. Round 1 this season kicks off with the First XI travelling to the newly promoted Hoppers Crossing, Gary McIntyre will be filling in for the absent Craig Osborne as skipper, while the Mick Thom lead two's will host the Hoppers 2nd XI on oval two on Saturday. The 3rd XI, lead by newly appointed skipper Brendan Davey will play Strathmore at Doutta Stars on Sunday - Special thanks to Doutta for coming to the party and making their ground available for us after Strathmore were unable to get their grounds up. The 4th XI will be looking to go one step further than last season after going down in the Grand Final, John Jordan again be leading the side.
1st XI @ Hoppers Crossing, Meet 11:45
McIntyre(C) Cave Spinella Jurcic A.Jordan Driscoll Mills Garth Lowe L.Davis McMahon
2nd XI V Hoppers Crossing, Meet 11:45
Thom(C) O'Connell O'Connel O'Connell Dunell Cooper Isaacs Johansen J.Riley Gay J.Davey
3rd XI V Strathmore @ Doutta - Sunday, Meet 12:30
B.Davey(C) Bergin Wade Turner Hefter Bourke Chrystie Brown Raffle Cowan Carrick
4th XI V St.Francis -Sunday, Meet 12:30
Jordan(c) Craig Commerford Clure Webster Bennett N.Rule Moloney Buttifant W.Baird Firth