Ross Rodgers, President for the past 6 years, had decided not to seek re-election due to more pressing work and family commitments. The club thanks Ross for his untiring endeavours in the President's hotseat over the past 6 years, he has achieved much in his time at the helm. He will continue to serve on the Committee of the club as a Vice-President.
A number of club members put their hands up and were elected to the Committee, who are all enthusiastic at helping out in running the operations of the club. Those new committee members are Duncan Hefter, Travis Carrick, Tristan Kassis and Kevin O'Connell.
A number of club members put their hands up and were elected to the Committee, who are all enthusiastic at helping out in running the operations of the club. Those new committee members are Duncan Hefter, Travis Carrick, Tristan Kassis and Kevin O'Connell.
Anthony Jordan was elected as the new President of the club and we wish him all the best in his new role.a